
Dipping Paint

Gold Bronze Pigments


Application Examples

In the dipping paint industry, bronze powder is distinguished by its use of narrowly distributed raw material powders, produced under computer-controlled, precision processes. This results in thinner, flake-shaped particles that yield a higher gloss, offering unparalleled brightness compared to competitors. The application of copper-gold powder in conventional oil-based dipping paint systems enhances the metallic sheen and aesthetic appeal of the final product.

Moreover, water-based passivated copper-gold powders are specifically designed for use in alcohol-ether water-based dipping systems. These innovative formulations match the metallic luster of traditional products, providing a comparable level of gloss and visual impact. This dual approach allows copper-gold powder to cater to both traditional oil-based and more environmentally friendly water-based dipping paint applications, delivering superior metallic effects and enhancing the overall quality and appeal of the coated surfaces.

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